It is important for us to protect the privacy of all of our customers and users. Your online safety is important to us. We invite you to read our privacy statement below.

What kind of information do we gather?

The information we collect includes your email, name, Business Name (if relevant) Street Address, Post Code City and Country as well as a Telephone Number. This information can include your Email, Name, Business Name, Street Address, Post Code city, country telephone number, password and so on. We collect information on our site in a number of different ways. First, we utilize the cookies required to compile and combine information that isn\’t personally identifiable. The information you provide is personally identifiable. This includes, for instance your bank account, or credit card number. Information is unique to the person.

The use of information

We\’ll make the website simpler to use so that you don\’t need to input your details repeatedly.

It is easy to locate information about services, products, and information.

Help us to make the most pertinent content for this site.

Inform you about new products, services or information.

Registration and placing an order

When you register, you\’ll be asked to provide your name as well as your billing and shipping address along with your telephone number and email address. To ensure that we are in compliance with all applicable laws, we will also need your country. Your gender may be required. This type of personal information are used to bill you and to complete your order. It could also be used to communicate with our customers regarding their order or site and for internal marketing. If we run into problems when making your purchase, we can use the personal information we have received from you to reach you.

Email Addresses

Join our newsletter to receive great deals. By signing up to our newsletter via email is the best method to avail great deals.

3. Privacy is a matter of concern

We will not offer to sell (or rent or trade) personal information that is identifiable to other companies in the normal routine. We use the most recent encryption technology, and our employees must sign confidentiality agreements that forbid them from disclosing to anyone or any entity, information to which they have access.

What kind of email do you send your customers?

The content we send to our customers could include the following information:

Weekly deal, Transaction mail Promotion, Activity.

Email Promotions and newsletters

We use email to send out news and special offers to our subscribers. If you don\’t want to receive emails just click the \”unsubscribe\” link at the bottom of the email.

How can I unsubscribe from the newsletter?

Unsubscribe once you sign in using the link found on any email newsletter.